Tag Archive: spec ops the line

Video Games That Failed At Launch But Gained Cult Status After Years


Failed the First Time? Don’t Lose Hope Some games can get fail launch because of several reasons. Such as Bad marketing, No promotion, Wrong audience approach, bad online servers and more. The thing… Continue reading

5 Video Games So Popularly Underrated That Now They Are Overrated


The Term “Underrated” in games can actually be good and bad at same time. Bad because the game was really good but it didn’t get the recognition it should have thus becoming an… Continue reading

6 Phenomenal Games Inspired By Popular Movies


Video games are constantly looking to become as lifelike and cinematic as movies, with games such as the Uncharted series leading the charge with what video games are capable of. But there are… Continue reading

My 9 Personal Favorite Third Person Shooter Video Games


Fun Fact – I personally enjoy third person shooters more than first person shooter and I think I like the third person view better in every way. Most of the open world games… Continue reading

4 Darkest & Twisted Video Game Storylines Of All Times


Some Gamers play video games to explore worlds they can’t do in real life or some players play games to challenge themselves. But Some play to embrace their selvesĀ into a dark world that… Continue reading