Tag Archive: mario kart

My 5 Favorite Video Games For The Nintendo GameCube


Man, remember the GameCube? What a solid little system. When everyone else was buying Xbox 360s and PS3s, all my college roommate and I had and could afford was our little purple GameCube.… Continue reading

8 Games That Stack the Cards Against You


Have you ever played a game and felt like certain levels were designed to screw you over? Or that some bosses seemed to have some sort of secret advantage that got you every… Continue reading

Top 5 Best Mario Kart Video Games Ever Made


From handheld entries that defy belief to home console titans that sell tens of millions of copies, there’s a good deal of debate to be had about which is best. But, as with… Continue reading

Why Mario Kart 8 Online Multiplayer Is Too Frustrating


Nintendo is releasing a paid online service for the Switch later this year. Considering that Nintendo has yet to develop an online component for any of its consoles that’s worthy of a monthly… Continue reading

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Becomes The Fastest Selling Mario Kart Video Game Ever


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sold over 459,000 copies in the U.S., Nintendo announced today. That figure accounts for combined packaged and digital sales. Nintendo says that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is now “the… Continue reading

Awkward Video Game Levels Where Players Rage Quits The Most


Flash back to a world less dominated by social media and widespread data collation though, and you’ll get all sorts of ideas crop up; ones made for reasons ranging from challenge, to just… Continue reading