Author Archive

Your Passwords Can Be Easily Cracked


we all have things online that we don’t want everybody to have access to, either because someone could impersonate you or because you are hiding some shady stuff. But to prevent other people… Continue reading

Gaming PC. How Cheap Is Too Cheap?


When building a Gaming PC it is very normal to not want to spend more money than necessary, but that does not mean that you want to spend minimal cash and get a… Continue reading

Gaming On A Budget Motherboard?


when building their own computers, people often spend heaps of money on the CPU GPU and RAM but refuse to spend money on things that doesn’t seem to directly impact performance, but is… Continue reading

Is Unity Bad?


Unity is a free game engine that is used by many indie and AAA developers for making their games, but good games are made on unity the companies often use the paid version… Continue reading

Easy Way To “Cheat” On Consoles


One of the main selling point of consoles over PC have always been that cheating is not as widespread, and it doesn’t matter if you have expensive controllers or not, all controllers are… Continue reading

Star Wars (VS) Real Military


The weapons in Star wars are very powerful, a lot more powerful than any weapons that we here on earth have at our disposal, so if you would just match the Empire against… Continue reading

4 Strategy Games That Lets You Run A Country


although games like Dota that are considered strategy games can be fun to play sometimes, many of us strategy fans love to play a game where you run a country and can improve… Continue reading

The Real Reasons Not To Pre Order Video Games


If you are a gamer, odds are that you have more than once been hyped about a new release scheduled in the future, and you might have wanted to pre-order the games to… Continue reading

Are All Processors Created Equal?


When overclocking your CPU its easier to look up the optimal overclock for your specific device than to find a good overclock by trial and error. But sometimes when trying settings that other… Continue reading

Is 8K Video Really Worth It?


If you have ever looked into buying a 4K computer monitor you have probably noticed that the high-res lifestyle comes at a hefty premium, but people still invest in them to play games… Continue reading