Monthly Archive: September, 2017

6 Video Games Released In The year 2007 That Changed Gaming Industry Forever


Check out the best games released in the year 2006. In this series, I compile some of the greatest games released in last 17 years. We have started from 2000 and will end the series… Continue reading

6 Times Games Gave You a False Sense of Confidence


Sometimes, game developers purposefully stack the cards in favor of the player in order to make for a more fun, enjoyable experience. Here is a video by OutsideXbox that outlines 6 games that… Continue reading

10 Amazing PS4 Exclusives Games You Should Play Right Now


2017 isn’t over yet, but here are GameCross’ top 10 PS4 exclusives of 2017. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

My 5 Favorite Video Games For The Nintendo GameCube


Man, remember the GameCube? What a solid little system. When everyone else was buying Xbox 360s and PS3s, all my college roommate and I had and could afford was our little purple GameCube.… Continue reading

4 Greatest Classic Multiplayer Video Games Ever Made


For Some, Video games are made to isolate themselves from the “Reality” but For Some Video games are meant to bring friends and family together and a way to co-operate in a more… Continue reading

5 Magnificent Video Games Available For Nintendo 3DS


Unfortunately, we can’t always have a huge, high-def, 1080p TV or 4k monitor available at our disposal. Sometimes we have to leave our living rooms and game rooms. However, if you have a… Continue reading

The Most Aesthetically Pleasing Pen You Should Buy Right Now


This is a different one. We don’t usually review stuff like this but once in a while there’s something that gets our attention and Sens is one of them. You may ask it’s… Continue reading

6 Cancelled Video Games That Could Have Been Masterpiece


Making Video games is hard and you need a lot of time a lot of money and most importantly a passion for making a unique experience for millions of players. The Worst thing… Continue reading

4 Huge Disappointing Video Game Sequels


It feels good when a sequel of a game surpasses the previous one in every expectation whether it is storytelling, Gameplay mechanics or technology. Sequels are just not supposed to be a continuation… Continue reading

5 Breathtaking Video Game Released In The Year 2006


Check out the best games released in the year 2005. In this series, I compile some of the greatest games released in last 17 years. We have started from 2000 and will end the series… Continue reading