Monthly Archive: September, 2017

5 Most Anticipated Upcoming Video Games That We Cannot Wait For!


2017 is if not the best year in gaming with amazing releases like BOTW, Horizon Zero Dawn and indie developers making tremendous games like Hellblade. This year has proven that you don’t have… Continue reading

5 Worst Video Game Franchise Reboots Of All Time


Reboots are generally good for keeping a game series alive and active. Sure most of the reboots do not surpass the reputation of the original one but it does keep the series alive in… Continue reading

4 Most Thought-Provoking Video Games Ever Made


Storytelling in Videogames has evolved in a massive way. Thanks to developers like ND, CD Projekt Red, Rockstar games and more. Games are one of the best ways to convey art and it… Continue reading

The Most Powerful Cheap Portable Gaming Setup


When you imagine playing games portably I am pretty sure you only think about Portable gaming consoles such as Switch, 3DS, PS Vita and more. But With portability, you have to compromise the… Continue reading

Titanfall 2 – That’s a viable weapon?


I believe that there are not enough primary or secondary weapons in Titanfall.  As much as I hate to say it, I think that I was getting a little bored with the variety… Continue reading

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Review – After 250 Hours!


For the most part, courageous ideas live on a dangerous tightrope. When they leave the imaginary realm and are pushed towards reality by one daring mind, the tightrope snaps and they fall: the… Continue reading

5 Biggest And Most Expensive Video Games Ever Made


Making Video games is not an easy job. It requires time, effort, passion and most importantly a lot of MONEY! Hollywood is known for making expensive movies using fancy CGI and whatnot. But… Continue reading

4 Most Awkwardly Creepy Video Games


Horror games are amazing and they are fun to play but after some time playing we get used to all the jumpscares and in resultant it makes the game more repetitive and boring and… Continue reading

10 Most Annoying Things That Are Destroying The Modern Gaming


Video games are getting bigger and better so we can explore the worlds that developers create for us. The Technology has evolved so much that the whole Legend of Zelda 1st game in… Continue reading

10 People That Made Grand Theft Auto 5 Possible


Grand Theft Auto 5 is now the worlds best-selling video game in terms of revenue and sales. It’s a 4-year-old game but the excitement around does not seem to end. This alone proves… Continue reading