Monthly Archive: September, 2017

7 Times Stealth Sections In Video Games Made You Rage Quit


Stealth games are really good and fun to play in fact Stealth is a genre that I have played the most. There is just something really special about killing enemies from behind or… Continue reading

6 Amazing Video Games Sequels That Killed Their Franchises


“Max Payne 3 is disappointing” Really? Publishers love forcing developers to make sequels of games that are successful in previous years and whether it’s for good or bad there should be a point… Continue reading

7 Video Games Sequels That Went Completely Dark


Oh, We all love charming video games with a “Jump” button and beautiful happy landscape where our unbeatable hero goes through hordes of enemies to achieve his/her target! But After Few years the… Continue reading

4 Best PC Video Games Released In last 5 Years


In gaming industry PC is considered to be a “Premium” platform to play games on and in many ways it’s true. You get better graphics, FPS, Mods and most importantly Steam which is probably… Continue reading

5 Most Graphically Demanding PC Video Games of 2016 and 2017


2016 And 2017 are both great years for gaming. With Groundbreaking hits like Uncharted 4 And Return of franchises like Final Fantasy whereas 2017 delivered some of the best RPGs ever like Horizon… Continue reading

5 Most Convoluted Video Game Storylines That Completely F**ks Up The Timeline


One of the hardest thing while making a game is to create a good storyline and most importantly maintaining that proper storyline and while some games really have a managed story throughout the… Continue reading

Red Dead Redemption 2 New Trailer Looks Absolutely Gorgeous


Rockstar Games has FINALLY launched the trailer for the hotly anticipated game Red Dead Redemption 2 and right off the bat I would say it’s one of the best video game trailers I… Continue reading

5 Weirdest Upcoming RPG Video Games In 2018


The game I am most excited about right now is Death Stranding mainly because of Hideo Kojima but also for its weird nature. The Whole atmosphere seems just so different from others and… Continue reading

5 Amazing Hidden Video Game Gems Of 2017


It really feels good when a developer makes an absolutely amazing game with new mechanics and impressive storytelling but it really hurts when that game does not get the value it deserves. Either… Continue reading

6 Most Ambitious Games Released In Last 7 Years


Making Video Games is not an easy job by any means. You need a lot of things to get started but the most important thing you need to make a game is Ambition.… Continue reading