Why Far Cry 5 Is Going To Be A Very Controversial Video Game

Ubisoft just dropped new artwork for the upcoming newest game in the franchise Far Cry 5.


The image shows a group of heavily-armed, heavily-bearded men, plus one woman and a wolf, positioned in a very Last Supper-like pose around a table festooned with a slightly-modified US flag—crosses instead of stars—and with a vaguely menacing messiah figure at the center. and a beaten man sitting in front, his hands bound and the word “Sinner” written across his back.

Fans Reaction to artwork is not good as we expected it to be…. Via 4Chan

“Sweet. If that is the plot I can find out who make FarCry game and NEVER FUCKING BUY ONE OF THEIR GAMES AGAIN.”

“Making the white people look evil. Getting fucking sick of this shit. You want us to become evil. We sure as fuck will.”

 “I hope they at least give us an ******evil ******* so that I can have the option to join them.

Ubisoft is bringing the game to America in a believable context of religious extremism and right-wing survivalists. The Far Cry 5 full reveal is set to take place on May 26.

Far Cry 5.png

The Far Cry 5 is shaping to be a very weird game in the series. I mean Far Cry is a series which is never been wildly popular as Assassins Creed or Grand Theft Auto. Yes, it has its own fair share of popular characters mainly Vaas from Far Cry 3. This is their chance to be in the big leagues Far Cry 5 will be the game that can take the series to new heights. So far it is looking really good.

#Why Far Cry 5 Is Going To Be A Very Controversial Video Game