Daily Archive: February 25, 2017

Why Nintendo Should Follow On Playstation Footsteps


Before you judge a book from it’s cover,  or in this situation the article from it’s title, please calm down, give us few minutes from your time, and then we will be more than happy… Continue reading

Why Original Playstation Is Still One Of The Best Gaming Console Ever Made


While most N64 games felt decidedly ‘gamey’, the PS1 went to places we never thought possible with Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Final Fantasy VII. These games wrapped themselves around… Continue reading

Retro Video Games That Always Make You Rage Quit


Nothing feels better than taking your video game-related frustrations out on an unsuspecting console controller. Let’s face it, we’ve all fallen victim to letting our emotions get the better of us, especially within… Continue reading

Horizon Zero Dawn Contains Secret Easter Eggs About Death Stranding


What do you get when you combine one highly-anticipated game that’s on the brink of release with an equally-as-highly-anticipated title fans know admittedly little about? One incredible, sly crossover. According to reports from… Continue reading

The Real Best Way To Enjoy Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild


One of the most surprising things about the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Con grip — the standard controller that comes with the console — is that it works at all. The controller amounts to essentially… Continue reading

Biggest Video Game Comebacks Of All Time


While most games inevitably lose players and die off, some rebound and recapture strong player bases and interest. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege When Rainbow Six: Siege was first announced, gamer reactions were… Continue reading

Absolutely Worst Things About Nintendo Switch


Nintendo’s all-singing, all-dancing ‘portable home console’ has had one hell of a tumultuous relationship with the public. First we had a gloriously tantalising teaser, then a tone-deaf press conference that reversed expectations by… Continue reading